Self Pattern (a Allele) Colors

Tip: to use these guides, click the green area to open the full list. Any colors that have a link can be clicked to take you to a page with an article about that specific color.

The collapsible list below has all regular self and self chinchilla. Four examples to the left.

Regular Self

Regular Self
Black: aa B_ C_ D_ E_
Blue: aa B_ C_ dd E_
Chocolate: aa bb C_ D_ E_
Lilac: aa bb C_ dd E_

Self Chinchilla

Self Chinchilla
Black Self Chinchilla: aa B_ cchd_ D_ E_
Blue Self Chinchilla: aa B_ cchd_ dd E_
Chocolate Self Chinchilla: aa bb cchd_ D_ E_
Lilac Self Chinchilla: aa bb cchd_ dd E_


Seal: aa B_ cchlcchl D_ E_
Blue Seal: aa B_ cchlcchl dd E_
Chocolate Seal: aa bb cchlcchl D_ E_
Lilac Seal: aa bb cchlcchl dd E_


Sable: aa B_ cchl_ D_ E_
Smoke Pearl: aa B_ cch_ dd E_
Chocolate Sable: aa bb cchl_ D_ E_
Lilac Sable: aa bb cchl_ dd E_

The collapsible list below has all tortoisehsell, sallander, seal point, and sable point colors. Four examples to the left.


Black Tort: aa B_ C_ D_ ee
Blue Tort: aa B_ C_ dd ee
Chocolate Tort: aa bb C_ D_ ee
Lilac Tort: aa bb C_ dd ee


Black Sallander: aa B_ cchd_ D_ ee
Blue Sallander: aa B_ cchd_ dd ee
Chocolate Sallander: aa bb cchd_ D_ ee
Lilac Sallander: aa bb cchd_ dd ee

Seal Point

Seal Point
Black Seal Point: aa B_ cchlcchl D_ ee
Blue Seal Point: aa B_ cchlcchl dd ee
Chocolate Seal Point: aa bb cchlcchl D_ ee
Lilac Seal Point: aa bb cchlcchl dd ee

Sable Point

Sable Point
Sable Point: aa B_ cchl_ D_ ee
Blue Sable Point: aa B_ cchl_ dd ee
Chocolate Sable Point: aa bb cchl_ D_ ee
Lilac Sable Point: aa bb cchl_ dd ee

Normal Pointed White/Himalayan/Californian

Pointed White
Black Pointed White: at_ B_ ch_ D_ E_
Blue Pointed White: at_ B_ ch_ dd E_
Chocolate Pointed White: at_ bb ch_ D_ E_
Lilac Pointed White: at_ bb ch_ dd E_

'Torted' Pointed White/Himalayan/Californian

Pointed White
'Torted' Black Pointed White: at_ B_ ch_ D_ ee
'Torted' Blue Pointed White: at_ B_ ch_ dd ee
'Torted' Chocolate Pointed White: at_ bb ch_ D_ ee
'Torted' Lilac Pointed White: at_ bb ch_ dd ee

The collapsible list below has all self-based Harlequin pattern colors, with or without shading. Four examples to the left.

Self Harlequin with or without Shading

Self Japanese Harlequin without Shading
Black Japanese Harlequin (Self): aa B_ C_ D_ ejej
Blue Japanese Harlequin (Self): aa B_ C_ dd ejej
Chocolate Japanese Harlequin (Self): aa bb C_ dd ejej
Lilac Japanese Harlequin (Self): aa bb C_ D_ ejej

Tan Pattern Japanese Harlequin with Tort Shading
Black Japanese Harlequin (Self): aa B_ C_ D_ eje
Blue Japanese Harlequin (Self): aa B_ C_ dd eje
Chocolate Japanese Harlequin (Self): aa bb C_ dd eje
Lilac Japanese Harlequin (Self): aa bb C_ D_ eje

Tan Pattern Magpie Harlequin without Shading
Black Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa B_ cchd_ D_ ejej
Blue Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa B_ cchd_ dd ejej
Chocolate Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa bb cchd_ dd ejej
Lilac Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa bb cchd_ D_ ejej

Tan Pattern Magpie Harlequin with Sallander Shading
Black Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa B_ cchd_ D_ eje
Blue Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa B_ cchd_ dd eje
Chocolate Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa bb cchd_ dd eje
Lilac Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa bb cchd_ D_ eje

Tan Pattern Shaded-based Magpie Harlequin without Shading
Seal Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa B_ cchlcchl D_ ejej
Blue Seal Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa B_ cchlcchl dd ejej
Chocolate Seal Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa bb cchlcchl dd ejej
Lilac Seal Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa bb cchlcchl D_ ejej
Sable Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa B_ cchl_ D_ ejej
Smoke Pearl Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa B_ cchl_ dd ejej
Chocolate Sable Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa bb cchl_ dd ejej
Lilac Sable Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa bb cchl_ D_ ejej

Tan Pattern Shaded-based Magpie Harlequin with Seal Point/Sable Point Shading
Seal Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa B_ cchlcchl D_ eje
Blue Seal Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa B_ cchlcchl dd eje
Chocolate Seal Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa bb cchlcchl dd eje
Lilac Seal Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa bb cchlcchl D_ eje
Sable Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa B_ cchl_ D_ eje
Smoke Pearl Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa B_ cchl_ dd eje
Chocolate Sable Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa bb cchl_ dd eje
Lilac Sable Magpie Harlequin (Self): aa bb cchl_ D_ eje